Albert Lea Auto Repair

Albert Lea Auto Repair

(507) 377-3320
Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Braking News: Keep Your Stopping Power

Richard Petty once told AutoNetTV, “You’ve gotta have good brakes. If you’ve got good brakes you can keep yourself out of a lotta trouble.”

That’s why a regular brake inspection is on every Albert Lea driver's maintenance schedule. An inspection at Sanderson Auto will check your brake system and let you know if there are any problems.

Of course, if you’re having trouble with your brakes, get your car into Sanderson Auto in Albert Lea right away. Here are some important symptoms for Albert Lea car owners to watch for:

  • Low or spongy brake pedal
  • Hard brake pedal
  • A brake warning light that stays on
  • Constantly squealing or grinding brakes
  • Vibrations or clunking sounds when you apply your brakes

    If you are experiencing any of these, it’s time to get your brakes checked. To to your cheerful Sanderson Auto service specialist.

    There are two types of brakes: disc and drum. Disc brakes have a rotor that’s attached to the axle. Calipers straddle the rotor, kind of like the brakes on a bicycle.

    Drum brakes are most common on back wheels. Both types have pads or shoes that press against the brakes and slow the vehicle. Brake pads and shoes are made out of very tough material to withstand the heat and force generated when stopping your pickup . Eventually, they wear out with use, and become too thin and need to be replaced at Sanderson Auto

    If the brake pads wear away completely, you can damage the rotors. The calipers can grind grooves in the rotor. Then the rotor must either be resurfaced or replaced. That’s not only costly, but also dangerous because your vehicle won’t stop as quickly. Sometimes rotors warp or crack and must be replaced.

    Sanderson Auto brake service will also include a check of your brake fluid. When the brakes are applied, the pressure in the fluid activates the brake pads or shoes. Not enough fluid means not enough pressure to brake properly. Also, water builds up in the brake fluid over time, which leads to corrosion, leaks and brake damage, and with hard use, the brakes could severely fade or even fail. Albert Lea car owners should change the brake fluid when their auto maker recommends to avoid these problems.

    There are different grades of brake pads sold in Albert Lea; good, better and best. Higher grades cost more, but give better braking performance and smoother operation. It’s OK to upgrade your brake pads. But, never use a grade that’s lower than what the auto maker recommends. 

    So, be sure to properly maintain your brakes, because it’s a lot less costly than paying your Albert Lea body shop after an accident.

    Come in to Sanderson Auto for an brake inspection before damage occurs. You can call ahead for an appointment by calling 507.377.3320.

